Bedknob and Broomstick

Picture of the book "Bedknob and Broomstick"


In The Magic Bedknob, Carey, Charles and Paul 6 find prim Miss Price injured by falling off her broomstick. For their silence, she bespells a bedknob to carry them where-ever and when-ever. In Bonfires and Broomsticks two years later, they bring necromancer Emelius Jones to visit. But his neighbors want to burn him at the stake for disappearing in the Great Fire of London.



Reading duration: 2020/01/11 to 2020/01/12

Time needed: 1 days

Rating: 4 star


If you're expecting to read a version of the movie, and must have it that way, then pass on this. If you're willing to have a new to you story with similar characters and new adventures, then by all means enjoy this book.


Author: Mary Norton

ISBN13: 9780140304459 via Indiebound

Genres: ,