For literally everyone, it’s been a hell of a year. In too many ways, 2020 was no different for me. As you may recall, early on I got into a car collision that forced a surprise new car purchase for me. Thanks to pay out for the previous vehicle and other details that go into car collisions, as well as new intended car purchase, I only needed to borrow $5,500-ish for Ness.

At the end of the day, it was a three year loan payoff, which is perfectly understandable given the smaller end of total loan amount.

I will always be the first to tell anyone that I am extremely fortunate, especially in the face of 2020. I never had much warranted fear for my employment, and we actually flourished, all things considered. With it also being technically a “tech job”, it paid pretty well.

Between still steady employment, a much larger than expected tax return, and the March 2021 stimulus funding of $1400, I am able to very proudly say that I now fully own Ness, and have no further payments due on the vehicle.

I am fortunate to have been able to pay off that three year load in a hair over one calendar year. This is something I unspoken-ly wanted to achieve very much with my previous Honda Civic, but didn’t manage to reach. Now, amid everything going on, I get to achieve this time around, and look forward to holding the car title in my hand some day soon.

I have always been one who actively “attacks” debt, even when my financial output hasn’t always had Sunny days, so this is a real accomplishment in my mind, and I look forward to being able to pay off other smaller debt, or put that same money towards my future with retirement funding or similar.

It is commonplace to see multitudes of people praising the arrival of a weekend. Even more so when it’s an extended holiday weekend like for Memorial Day. This year, I’m no different.

It’s been a long week with a handful of trying moments and frustrations with my day job. Some days didn’t feel too bad, others felt like I couldn’t do much right.

This is largely in part to internal changes and processes that we’re trying to move towards, and rightfully so, to help streamline as much as we can for our clients. However, it seems like I inherently, though not necessarily intentionally, fight against that proverbial current at least a little bit. This has caused undue frustrations for some people.

Even with the long weekend, I know they end quicker than ever desired, and I will once again be back at work, in the same potential situations, fighting my same struggles.

There’s only so many times one can apologize and say “I’ll do better!” before it’ll invoke reactions of “Uh huh, sure, heard that one before.” and start to mean nothing. I know it’s legitimately on me to actually do better. Actions speak louder than words, and whether I like it or not, sometimes I seem to have action laryngitis.