One of the best things I like about WordPress is that, at least at the moment, it still offers a lot of RSS feeds out of box. Just append “/feed/` to URLs and there’s chance you get a feed of some sort. It could be the overall blog feed, category/tag feed, or even comments πŸ˜€

Charlie, though, adds a touch of personality and flair with her title attribute.

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In zero ways do I consider myself a tree hugger or any other sort of “hardcore environmentalist” label. Despite that detail though, I did sign up for an account over at tonight, to at least contribute in what little ways I can to help offset what human contributions we are making to the climate.

You can find my profile over at I must still give a hat tip to Phil Sturgeon who had already signed up for the service, and tipped me off about it when I noticed his profile link on his website. As with all “small transactions”, I figure there are worse things I can spend $6 USD on, in a given month, than helping plant trees and offsetting carbon footprints. Hopefully you will consider doing so as well.